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Getting audits

Audit instance can be fetched very easily thanks to the Auditable mixin.

Retrieving audits

Using a Book model as an example, here is how it works:

// Get the first available book
const book = await Book.firstOrFail()

// Get all associated audits
const audits = await book.audits()

// Get the first audit
const first = await book.audits().first()

// Get the last audit
const last = await book.audits().last()

Audit model

The Audit model is a Lucid model that represents the audit table. It has the following columns:

  • id: The unique identifier of the audit.
  • auditableId: The identifier of the audited model.
  • auditableType: The type of the audited model.
  • event: The event that triggered the audit.
  • oldValues: The old values of the audited model.
  • newValues: The new values of the audited model.
  • metadata: Resolved metadata.
  • createdAt: The date and time when the audit was created.
  • updatedAt: The date and time when the audit was last updated.